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Websites You Didn't Know Existed But Should Probably Know About

There are thousands of websites around the web, and among that sea of websites, there are great ones just swimming under that deep sea, almost never getting noticed. I must admit, there are only about 5-10 websites that I visit regularly every day. But I've probably visited so many websites in my time in the internet, and there are few that are very noteworthy. If I were you, I would create a new bookmark folder and be ready to fill it with new bookmarks (that you probably would never visit again anyway) because here is a list of the websites unbeknownst to most people that are actually very useful and entertaining. 1. Have I been Pawnd? (Link) This website basically tells you if your account was part of a public data breach. Chances are you're accounts probably are included. That is why I recommend the next website on the list for keeping your accounts safe.  2. Lastpass Account Manager and Password Generator   ( Link 1 | Link 2 ) LastPass is a

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