

I'm a student currently in senior high (Grade 11) and graphic designing is a hobby of mine. I'm part of our school's student organization and what I basically do there is edit stuffs like posters. Last year, me and my fellow editors, was tasked to create a page for our school's student organization and take charge of the advertisement in social media of our school's intramurals that year. So, here are my parts/edits on that task:

The Poster I made for the food bazaar.

This one was my favorite, it was for the cinema booth. This was basically inspired from
a poster I saw on freepik but I basically recreated the whole thing. 

This was like a front page for the next picture. DCNHS was our school and during our intramurals,
the student ogranization puts up several booths.

This was all the posters of the different booths. The ones I made was for the cinema booth and
food bazaar, the others was made by my fellow editors. We actually
call our selves The Martyrs and we also have our own logo (You can
see on the top left corner of this picture). 

This is my first post about my works and I'll probably be posting more. I'll try to look for my other edits during the course of my high school and present it here. 


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